Tuesday, January 1, 2013

God-sized dreams

I love it when God drops exactly what you need right in your lap - He is so good that way!  He knows our inmost dreams and desires and He wants to bless us in ways we could only imagine.  

I recently started reading a blog by Holley Gerth and she has posted an invitation to open the door to a "God-sized dream" in 2013.  It started with this post:  http://holleygerth.com/if-youve-ever-broken-a-new-years-resolution-read-this/ - (take a few minutes and read this short post)

I realized that I hate making New Year's Resolutions because... well, I fear failing... so why make them if you can never keep them?  I know I am not alone in this... we all start out with good intentions but then LIFE HAPPENS and you end up off track and discouraged.  Holley talks about the mental list we often make -  "When things are normal then I'll... (fill in the blank with 'exercise, eat better, have a longer quiet time.')"  but Life will NEVER BE NORMAL!  What are we waiting for?  There will never be a perfect time, we just need to move forward. 

She then offers an invitation to open the door to a God-sized dream in 2013 - "Dare to do what you can because you serve a God who can do more than you can even imagine."

What is a God-sized dream?  Sounds really big and intimidating right?  "God-sized dreams are not really about size at all - they are about what perfectly fits YOUR heart.  It's really another way of describing your purpose.  And we all have one."

So what are you waiting for?  Download her "Do What you Can Plan" ebook and join me on moving forward!

I will be sharing my journey and pursuit of my God-sized Dream in 2013... I can't wait to see what God has in store for both of us this year!

May the God of all creation bless you abundantly as you pursue Him!

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