Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Counting my blessings

As I wrap up 2012 and reflect on all the gifts God has given me, I am gently reminded to be grateful...  Grateful for the good times and for the challenges.  Grateful for the lessons I learned and the new opportunities that await me.  Grateful for the big things that are awe inspiring... and the little things that seem so insignificant at times but are ultimately part of the bigger picture - it is in these little things that I catch a glimpse of God.  He is always there, right beside me and He never leaves me - and I can depend on Him.  I often look back on these and refer to them as "God Moments" - when the God of all creation revealed a small piece of himself to me.

Two years ago I read the book "One Thousand Gifts" by Ann Voskamp and have made attempts off and on to record all the gifts that God gives me... I have started my list more than once but this year I chose to move forward and just keep going on my list.

My mustard seed goal is to record at least one gift every day.

Here is a link to Ann Voskamp's Joy Dare Challenge - where she gives you daily prompts to record 3 gifts each day - so that at the end of the year you too will have a list of 1000 Gifts!  

January 1st - 3 gifts heard:  a kind word, an encouraging work from a friend, heather running always keeping us warm
January 2nd - a gift outside, inside, on a plate:  the grill, cookbooks full of yummy recipes, perfectly ripe avocados on my burger

Won't you join me today and give thanks to God for the gifts he has given you?


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