Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Goals aren't ultimatums!

Let me say that again... Goals aren't ultimatums!  They are simply directions!  Thank you to Holley Gerth for that word today - it really helps me to put things into perspective.  She was honest with us today in her blog post (link):

"God-sized dreams aren't about being perfect.  Or getting what we want.  Orth things working out the way we planned.  You will feel fear.  You will fail at some point.  And you may eve find that you have to let a dream go."   BUT... "You will also become more courageous.  You will have victories you never thought possible.  And you will be filled up with what you really need, which is less of your and more of Jesus in your life."

In the day 2 of her book "Do what you can plan" she reminds us that goals are merely directions and they can be changed, they are not set in stone.  We have to listen to God and seek him with our goals and if they need to be adjusted or removed, God will show us the path we should go.

I am going to go back to my Goals list for the year and do some adjusting already - and that is OK!  I need to make sure I have the right priorities and will be praying as I go to make sure that the adjustments are what God wants me to do. 

I listened to Nicki's Two Minute Tuesday Clip today (link) and she asked a really good question that I want to unpack while I go over my goal list...

"What are the things you can adjust in your soul to be a better reflection of God?"

Wow - never really thought about it like that!  I am going to make another list of soul adjustments that I need to work on that go along with my Goals for 2013.

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